Eyliaren is a continent in the northern hemisphere of the world known to the locals as Wau. The climate of the continent runs from sub-arctic in the north ( with artic conditions at its northern-most extremities) to sub tropical in the south. From its extremities, the continent measures approximately 2490 miles (north to south) by 2670 miles (west to east). The contintent is split in to two distinct regions by a near-continuous series of mountain ranges known collectively as the Spine, running from the northern coast to the Chettarn Foothills in the south, about 140 miles short of the southerrn coast.
Eyliarenn is home to several sentient races and rich in wildlife. If also has many strange and unique geographical features, some natural, and some built by extraordinary forces. An intangible substance infuses the whole continent; this is called nevena, and it allows both the naturally talented and the the practiced to "maniplate" it to perform otherwise acts or adjust the physical world to a greater or lesser degree to their own ends. One discipline of manipulation allows the adept to enter into a meta-world reflective of the tangible world, referred to as the Barren Landscape.
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